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Celebrating Juneteenth with Farmer Chippy in Baltimore

Slow Food Baltimore’s second event of the year celebrating Juneteenth was held on June 18. They partnered with Farmer Chippy’s Plantation Park Heights Urban Farm, a black-owned urban farm in Baltimore. … The event was attended by over a hundred people, mostly from the Park Heights neighborhood, but folks from St. Vincent’s church and other Slow Food Baltimore friends also came out as well. It was a wildly terrific event!

2022 Bean Suppers from Slow Food USA

We’ve had an incredible year-long Plant a Seed campaign filled with planting, growing and eating beans — now it’s time to celebrate them together around a table! Our chapters are teaming up with chefs in their regions and are getting creative with how to celebrate and share the stories of the beans from the 2022 Plant A Seed kit in so many inspiring ways, from sit-down dinners to bean street fairs to bean soup fundraisers and more.