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The Farm Bill passed last week on the Senate floor, with a vote of 79-14. There were some major disappointments, and some modest but important successes. However, no one can argue with the fact that this was a Farm Bill debate unlike any that has come before it. For the first time ever, citizens at large–not just farmers and politicians–saw that this was a piece of legislation that affected their lives.

According to the Washington Post, Sen. Saxby Chambliss (Ga.), (yes, that is a real name of a real person) the ranking Republican on the Agriculture Committee, called the bill “truly representative of American agriculture.” This may be the case, but probably not exactly in the way he means.

Now, what’s left is for the House and Senate to reconcile their two versions of the bill.

For the general overview, read the AP story here.

For Grist’s “post-mortem,” click here.