The folks in Florida have noticed the wisdom of eating locally:
Rat poison in pet food from China. E. coli in bagged spinach from California. Peanut butter tainted with salmonella from Nebraska. Cans of chili sauce bursting due to botulism.
Food safety recalls and warnings are undermining our confidence in the commercial food industry. The response: Buy local from small-scale, local farmers you know.
“I don’t trust the U.S. government when it comes to the food supply, said Fort Pierce resident Karen Cosoy. “If it’s important for you to eat healthy, there’s no option but supporting local farms. You know that they’re not using pesticides. The stuff you get at the supermarket, you don’t know how they processed it or whether they even processed it at all. You don’t know what they used to make it look so gorgeous.”
Eating local also has an environmental appeal. Most produce stocked in supermarkets — and even at many roadside stands and farmer’s markets — comes from wholesalers who truck food here from afar, especially during our hot summer.
You can read the whole article here
People have started telling me that “ ‘sustainable’ has gone mainstream.” Sure hope they’re right.