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Participate locally in the largest celebration of food in America!

This Labor Day, join us in building a food system that is just, sustainable and delicious by holding picnics in your town or city. A day of generosity and action, we invite you to organize picnics with loved ones and new friends who together will break bread, share a meal and help transform the American food system. Starting August 20th, you will be able to post picnic plans, photos, testimonials, and video content at Slowfoodnation.org.

Held during the first ever Slow Food Nation event in San Francisco, CA (August 29-September 1) Slow Food Nation Labor Day Picnics are meant to build on the momentum created by communities of all kinds across the country eager to support and foster a good, clean and fair food system.

Join us for a day of action dedicated to sharing food and celebrating the realization of Slow Food Nation in dozens of different ways, in different communities across America. If you’d like help envisioning how to do this, and how to incorporate endangered foods into your menu, check out our American Traditions Picnics page.

Who Can Participate:
You, your friends, families, neighbors and community members.

Other Ways You Can Support a Slow Food Nation:
Host a Signing of the Petition Calling for a New Vision for a 21st Century Food, Farm & Agriculture Policy. A Downloadable PDF of the Petition will be available on August 28th, 2008 at fooddeclaration.org.

For more information on how to post your picnic online, and to find out how others are celebrating National Labor Day Picnics, visit slowfoodnation.org.