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Come join the chefs at Forest Ridge School to explore beekeeping with honeybees, mason bees, and leafcutter bees. Take a tour of the school gardens, apiaries, and orchards. Learn how you can support these pollinators and in return how they can support your gardens.

Chef Ron has been in the food and beverage industry for nearly 40 years and has built the school gardens from the ground up at Forest Ridge eight years ago. Chef Marisa has a degree in nutrition and brings her passion for healthy whole foods into the kitchen and garden with her at Forest Ridge. Together they are continuing to expand the school gardens into more productive growing spaces, a new fruit tree orchard and berry patches, campus-wide soil regeneration projects, and creating a food forest garden all while getting students engaged and involved with the process. This all supports the FRidge, Forest Ridge’s food program, where the chefs use the food from the garden to cook meals and teach classes.