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Every person in a leadership position in Slow Food USA agrees to this Code of Conduct, in order to uphold a safe space for all in Slow Food. Please read the following Code of Conduct and then fill out the form that follows to affirm your agreement to this code:


The purpose of this document is to outline principles and actions that will ensure a safe space at all levels of the Slow Food USA network for all leaders and participants.

As a member/leader/staff/participant of Slow Food, I agree to:

1. Build and maintain healthy relationships

2. Be kind before any other reflexive reaction

3. Focus on our common goal — the Slow Food mission. Treat this as a professional workspace where we are all here for common purposes.

4. Prioritize healthy relationship building as a key part of creating a safe community whenever two or more people interact. A safe community is defined as a community that is dedicated to:

  • Building consent and collaboration (consent means “no significant objection” vs. consensus, which means “complete agreement”)
  • Maintaining respect for all parties
  • Actively ensuring that all feel safe to participate
  • Being productive and solution-driven towards our shared mission and values
  • Valuing the diversity of cultures, knowledge, skills and opinions
  • Focusing constructive and productive criticism on ideas, systems and projects — and not focusing criticisms on people
  • Practicing transparency in our decisions and work 

5. Dismantle systems of oppression, especially white supremacy and patriarchy, always and in every interaction we have, so that no bias against gender/gender identity, race, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, religion, or any other oppressive bias exists or persists in our communities.

6. Address conflict in a respectful and inclusive manner by:

  • Maintaining absolute zero-tolerance for bullying, even if the person who is the aggressor could be representing a valid point. 
  • Expecting conflict. Change rarely occurs without it.
  • Recognizing conflict is an opportunity. Remind ourselves that while conflict is stressful, it is always an opportunity for growth.
  • Using respectful language to all parties.
  • Avoiding assumptions and instead prioritize asking questions. Maintain a culture of inquiry and curiosity.
  • Realizing that both impact and intent are valid. Just because you did not intend to be hurtful, does not mean that the impact is invalid.
  • Building toward consent always.
  • Taking advantage of teachable moments. When appropriate and possible (likely once time has passed since the conflict), communicate the elements of conflict and conflict resolution to the larger network in a way that respects privacy and honors the network learning.

Conflicts and interactions that do not abide by these values and principles will be handled by local leadership/members. If no consensus/resolution is reached, the issues will be escalated to the regional councilors and then to Slow Food USA national office if needed.

Photo by Jen Theodore via Unsplash