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Green space is necessary in a big, gray city like ours (that’s NYC, for those of you who didn’t know where the Slow Food USA home office is!). These days, more and more green spaces are growing things you can eat: there’s a boom in rooftop gardens, community ag projects, urban farms, and fire escape/window produce planting.

The New York Botanic Garden, recognizing the trend, has created “a summer-long celebration of growing great food.” They’ve got exhibitions and programs designed to inspire the public to “grow, prepare, and eat garden-fresh produce, and understand how plants provide the food and drink essential to maintaining life and enhancing wellness.”

This Thursday Slow Food USA will be there:

Biodiversity Program Manager Jenny Trotter will moderate a panel on how home gardeners, orchardists, farmers and chefs all play a role in conserving rare and place-based fruit and vegetable varieties (6-9 pm)

Slow Food USA President Josh Viertel will give the keynote address.

You can read excellent, introductory posts by Jenny and Josh, here.