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I’ve just joined Slow Food USA as Membership Manager. I came to work at Slow Food USA because I got tired of seeing the problems in our food system and I wanted to change them. I’ve seen my Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn neighbors choose frozen pizza and mac-and-cheese over produce at my local grocery store because the lettuce was brown and the onions were covered in flies and mold.

There is something seriously wrong with our food system—people across the country are making the choice between nutritious food and junk because they can’t get affordable fresh produce where they live.

What is change in the food system? To me, it’s a selection of affordable fresh fruit and vegetables in your local grocery store, not week-old overpriced tomatoes that are starting to go moldy. It’s healthier meals for the nearly 400,000 school children who get free lunch at New York City public schools. It’s policies that help make bodegas and corner markets able to afford to sell vegetables over snack foods, alcohol and tobacco in low-income neighborhoods.

Slow Food USA unites powerful local communities in the grassroots movement for good, clean and fair food. But now more than ever, we need more changemakers to get involved. This month and next, we want to add 10,000 more voices to our powerful network of everyday people demanding a just and healthy food system. If you haven’t joined yet, now is the time, because a donation of $25 or more makes you a member*.

We did a lot of listening to our leaders, members and supporter and heard that we needed to make membership more affordable. So from now to October 22, you can become a member with a contribution of $25 or more. We’re testing this new membership structure and our success over the next 30 days will help us determine whether to make this a permanent change. If you’re already a member, you can tell a friend through this link:


People across the United States and around the world have dramatically shifted their consciousness around food system issues, with much greater concern for where their food comes from and how it gets to them. Half a billion dangerous eggs have been recalled. Obesity and diabetes are at record levels. Children’s school lunches are revoltingly unhealthy. And people across the nation are mobilized to change that. Will you join us?

*If you join with a donation of $60 or more, you can opt-in to get special offers.