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{{ image(4729, {“class”: “flor round”, “width”:227, “height”:763}) }}The Makah [pronounced muh-KAW] Ozette is one unique potato. While most potatoes traveled from South America to Europe before arriving in the United States, the Makah Ozette took an entirely different route. It traveled “express,” arriving directly from Peru in the year 1791. In 1791, Spaniards left South America in an attempt to colonize North America. They arrived at Neah Bay, in what is now the state of Washington, set up a fort and planted a garden. The Makah Ozette potato was one of the vegetables planted in that garden. However, one year later, a bitter cold winter forced the Spaniards to abandon the fort. They left the garden behind. Luckily, members of Makah Nation, a Native American tribe, found the weedy potato plant in the abandoned fort. They needed a carbohydrate source, and the potato needed someone to help it grow. It was a perfect fit. The Makah tribe began growing the potato in their backyard gardens, and they have been growing it for more than 200 years. Today, this knobby little fingerling potato is travelling once again as it makes its way to school gardens all over the country. Little embellishment is needed to appreciate the uniqueness of the Makah Ozette. With its creamy, nutty, earthy flavor, it is one of the tastiest fingerlings you’ll ever eat.

Learn more about Makah Ozette Potato.

You can really appreciate the taste of the Makah Ozette potato with this simple recipe. Hazelnut oil enhances the natural nuttiness, and the dipping sauce balances out the earthy flavors with a pop of lemon and tarragon.

Crispy, Pan-Fried Makah Ozette Potatoes with Lemony Dipping Sauce

Servings: 4-6
Active: 10 minutes
Total: 20 minutes


  • 2 pounds Makah Ozette potatoes, halved lengthwise
  • 1 Tbsp kosher salt
  • 2 Tbsp hazelnut oil or walnut oil Maldon or other flakey sea salt, to taste
  • Canola oil, for pan 
Optional Dipping Sauce:
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • /14 cup sour cream
  • 2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 2 tsp fresh tarragon, finely chopped (optional)
  • 1/4 tsp flakey sea salt


Place potatoes in a large pot and cover with at least 3 inches of cold water. Stir in salt and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium and simmer, about 5 minutes so the potatoes are partially cooked. Drain, pat dry, transfer to a large bowl, and toss with hazelnut oil.

In a large bowl, toss potatoes with hazelnut oil to coat evenly. Heat canola oil in a large, heavy-bottomed pan over medium-high heat. Place potatoes cut-side down, being careful not to overcrowd the pan. (You may need to do this in 2 batches). Cook, pressing lightly with a spatula, until browned and crisp, about 4 minutes. Transfer to a plate lined with a paper towel. While the potatoes are still hot, season with flakey sea salt to taste. Serve immediately with optional sauce for dipping.

For the dipping sauce, combine sour cream, Greek yogurt, fresh lemon juice, and tarragon in a small bowl. Season with salt and serve.

Recipe inspired by Gerry Warren, Presidium Coordinator for the Makah Ozette Potato and Slow Food Seattle Board Member/Regional Governor. 

Download more Makah Ozette Potato recipes.