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We’re big fans of Corby Kummer’s food coverage over in these parts (FYI, he’s on our Advisory Board), so it is with great excitement that we alert you to his brand new Atlantic Monthly food site called “Corby’s Fresh Feeds,” which debuted just 4 days ago.

Kim Severson interviewed him over on Diner’s Journal, asking

How does the fast pace of the Web jibe with your long-held adherence to the principles of the Slow Food movement?

Corby responds: “The pace of Web itself isn’t slow, but the idea of the whole site is only to give a tasting menu, a few bites at a time. I find myself overwhelmed at the speed and amount of material of other food sites, so I set out to build something at a pace and amount I could handle, read, and keep up with. Me, normal person/general reader who spends a lot of my time editing and reading politics, the economy, health, the rest of the world. So compared with what you guys do, I’d say it’ll be pretty darn slow, and we’ll just have to see if that’s O.K. by the Web world. Fingers crossed.”

Right now there is a density of interesting articles, and there seem to be new ones every time we look…exciting….