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With the Plant a Seed campaign, Slow Food USA invites growers to engage with climate and nutrition in our gardens and on our plates.

Our 2023 campaign celebrates greens and the communities who celebrate them. If you grew the our Plant a Seed kit in your garden this year, then you know that two greens in particular have been rockstar standouts deserving of celebration: fluffy Matilde Escarole and impressive Ultracross Collard!

This fall, we’re encouraging you to engage with these greens during their very own weeks highlighting their place in our communities, gardens and plates. However you choose to participate, we know you will grow to love these exceptional allies in nutrition, climate resilience and our kitchens!


  • Tag @slowfoodusa and use #plantaseed2023 #collardweek2023 on every collard-related post so that we see it and may repost via Slow Food USA’s Stories
  • Our partners for the week is @heirloomcollards — please tag them, too!
  • Thank local participants in your posts — chefs, restaurants, farmers, etc. — by tagging them
We thank our sponsor for their support!