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by intern Heather Teige

The Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), a membership-led organization that works to change the unjust farm labor and compensation practices in our food system, kicks off their National Supermarket Week of Action today, November 18th. The actions are scheduled to run through Thanksgiving Day, and are open to everyone.

Scheduled actions include letter writing to the heads of local supermarkets expressing concerns about food injustices their practices propagate, picketing outside local supermarkets, as well as a day of remembrance for the Navarette slavery case, where farmworkers held against their will escaped brutal work conditions. For more information about how to participate, visit either the SFA or CIW websites.

In addition, Slow Food on Campus chapters have teamed up with the Student/Farmworker Alliance (SFA), an ally organization of the CIW, and will show their support for fair food this November by hosting dinners, presentations, and screening films to educate their communities on the farm labor inequalities in our food system. Check back later this month for stories and photos of student events.