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Slow Food East Bay’s Anchovy Workshop

Ready to get truly hands-on with your seafood? If so, you’re in luck! We’re planning a series of workshops combining not just skills and confidence building around fish, but also conversations about what a local, sustainable seafood system looks like.   Join us...

Slow Food KNOW FISH® Dinner

The confusion over what seafood is “safe” is real. Whether it’s questions about trawling (what is that?) or mercury or Alaskan versus California salmon, sourcing and cooking fish can feel daunting. Over the course of the next year, Slow Food East Bay aims to guide you...

Rising Tide Chefs Camp NOLA

What does sustainable seafood sourcing look like to you? Every chef who serves seafood should ask themselves this question. Given global supply chain complexity, those sourcing decisions affect your customers, independent fishermen who support their communities, and...

Slow Food Presents a Sunset Supper at Foss Vineyard

As the season turns from summer green to the colors of fall, please join us for supper on the Autumn Equinox. The evening begins outside overlooking the Foss Vineyard, savoring a selection of appetizers, and enjoying a variety of Italian wines. Guests can peruse the...