Ways to Give

Slow Food brings together a network of people invested in the movement towards good, clean and fair food for all. From community activism to restaurant kitchen, field to table, school garden to farmers’ market, the Slow Food network works at the local, national and international level to achieve our mission. We cannot do it without you.
What does your support do?
- Provide resources for international initiatives like the Ark of Taste and 10,000 Gardens in Africa
- Support national campaigns like Plant a Seed to increase awareness and activism.
- Enable regional gatherings and partnerships like Slow Fish 2024.
- Bolster visibility and resources for local chapters and Slow Food communities.
 Join a community of eaters, activists and producers active in more than 150 countries.
Support projects that celebrate food culture and champion biodiversity.
Defend the earth and regenerative land stewardardship.
We work to connect the pleasures of the table with a commitment to the communities, cultures, knowledge, and environment that make this pleasure possible. We cannot do this work without your support. Your contribution to Slow Food USA provides crucial support for campaigns and projects.
We are looking for partners that live our mission through their own practices.
We want to connect you and your business with our network of members and communities who are
committed to changing the world through food.
Partners & Sponsors
For larger businesses and/or individuals interested in supporting Slow Food as a partner or sponsor: