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By Slow Food USA staff member Winnie Yang

photo courtesy of Meghan CohorstIn the Spring 2008 issue of the Snail (coming soon to a mailbox near you, if you’re a member), Candelario Velazquez describes the struggle of farmworkers in Immokalee, Florida, and the work the Coalition of Immokalee Workers is doing jointly with the Student/Farmworkers Alliance (SFA) to fight the fast food industry’s unjust practices. For decades the industry “has used its power and leverage to demand cheap produce, translating directly into lower wages and poorer working conditions for the workers picking that produce.”

The Snail article goes on to describe the remarkable successes CIW and SFA have realized, but their work is far from finished. And now, you can help.

SFA’s Meghan Cohorst wrote to let us know that CIW has recently launched a petition campaign to urge Burger King to work with them to end sweatshops and slavery in the fields. The campaign is based on a similar one used by 19th-century British abolitionists, who began their movement to abolish slavery with a petition drive. The CIW petition will be delivered to Burger King on April 28.

Find out more and sign the petition.

(photo by Meghan Cohorst)