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Wild Ramp Pot-Luck Supper And Dance Party

Pound Ridge Organics 22 Westchester Avenue, Pound Ridge, NY, United States

After a long hiatus due to this relentless pandemic, it's time to rebuild and reconnect. We can't think of a better way to do this than to have one of our cherished gatherings in true Slow Food Style.  We invite you to join us to celebrate a beloved native culinary delicacy, 'allium tricoccum', aka 'wild ramps'. You'll get […]

Ramp Pot Luck Supper And Dance Party

Pound Ridge Organics 22 Westchester Avenue, Pound Ridge, NY, United States

We'd love for you to join us! After a long hiatus due to this relentless pandemic, it's time to rebuild and reconnect. We can't think of a better way to do this than to have one of our cherished gatherings in true Slow Food Style.  We invite you to join us to celebrate a beloved […]


Slow Food East Bay’s Anchovy Workshop

Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco San Francisco, CA, United States

Ready to get truly hands-on with your seafood? If so, you’re in luck! We’re planning a series of workshops combining not just skills and confidence building around fish, but also conversations about what a local, sustainable seafood system looks like.   Join us on Saturday August 17th at 9am for the kick off: an Anchovy […]
