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By Samad Ismayilov


AL, AR, DC, FL, GA, KY, LA, MD, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands

We have over 80 Slow Food USA chapters all across the country taking action to create a food system that works for them and their community. Our Southeastern chapters are committed to advancing food justice and biodiversity in cities large and small. Get connected to your nearest chapter!

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Why join Slow Food USA? Our members explain.

September 14, 2024 // Slow Food Leaders

Hear from five brilliant minds about why they are committed members of Slow Food USA.

Tales of the Cocktail Cohort Embraces Biodiversity and Sustainability with Slow Drinks

August 29, 2024 // Slow Beer & Spirits

Our group consisted of folx from different backgrounds, cities and sectors of the industry; each of them were all united by a common commitment to extend Slow Food’s principles of good, clean and fair into their professional and personal lives.

Two queer food producers serving community care

June 26, 2024 // Food and Farming

The food that LGBTQ2S+ people make isn’t in theory much different from anyone else in taste, but in context it can do a lot of things – promote activism, raise awareness, restart and build community, develop safe spaces and even help someone see themselves. It’s not only activism, but it’s also celebration.

Savoring freedom: How food plays a part in Juneteenth celebrations

June 13, 2024 // Food Justice
by Lauren J. Mapp, excerpted from San Diego Tides and Tacos Red foods, like the watermelon used in this summer cocktail, are commonly used...

Celebrating greens: preserving culinary heritage in Northern Louisiana

May 9, 2024 // Biodiversity
by Robin Mosley, Communications and Development Coordinator Advocating for good food that is native to a community is at the heart of...

Bringing fishers and chefs together to shift tides toward sustainable seafood

December 21, 2023 // Biodiversity

We teamed up with Slow Fish North America to develop ten programs at six different locations throughout 2023.

Want to Start a Local Chapter?

Is your region missing a chapter? Gather some volunteers who are excited about good, clean, and fair food for all.