We thought we’d get in on the year-end roundup action by posting our Top Ten 2008 highlights.
If it helps, please insert
a) a drumroll
b) a celebrity reading the list straight to camera
c) a lot of enthusiasm, as indicated by the proliferation of exclamation points (!)
10) A New Office: The SFUSA staff enjoyed a move down two flights into a space double the size of our old one. Although we miss tripping over each other, we’re sure happy about having more room. Stop by and say hello if you’re ever in Brooklyn.
9) A New Baby: Finance Manager Kehinde Yeku welcomed the birth of her baby girl Ebu last May!
8) New States in the Union: Our first ever chapter in West Virginia.
7) Two Staff Weddings: Deena Goldman in June and Erika Lesser in November!
6) A New National Statute: This year, with the help of chapter leaders from around the country, we revised our national statute. It’s leaner, cleaner, and clearer.
5) Terra Madre: For the third biennial small-scale sustainable food producers conference, we brought over 700 US delegates with us, including a huge number under the age of 30.
4) A New Book: The publication of here for an article about in in the New York Times.
3) Can’t stop growing: 8,000 new members!
2) A New President: Nope, we’re not talking about Obama, we’re talking about Josh Viertel, Slow Food USA’s first ever President!
and the number 1 highlight of 2008……
1) Slow Food Nation: Slow Food’s first US-based national scale event. With everything from sustainable street food to a victory garden on San Francisco’s Civic Center steps to star-studded discussion panels, Slow Food Nation brought San Franciscans–and the country–together in a conversation about the future of our food system. The event, our first annual, attracted over 85,000 people over the course of three days.