Slow Fish/Slow Food BYOB Webinar
WebinarPour yourself a drink and join a Slow Fish and Slow Food webinar on Friday, March 20. Theme and speakers will be announced shortly! Join here or call +16465588656,,494192574# US (New York)
Pour yourself a drink and join a Slow Fish and Slow Food webinar on Friday, March 20. Theme and speakers will be announced shortly! Join here or call +16465588656,,494192574# US (New York)
World Disco Soup Day is the Slow Food Youth Network's largest event, a massive party around the world where young activists come together to turn allegedly food waste into delicious meals! This is a chance to cook, eat, and dance together — showing the fun way to save food, while thinking seriously about the global […]
THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED For information, please contact From the Host: After much deliberation, we’ve made the decision to delay until later in the spring (late May, perhaps?) Our agenda and speakers have come together (thank you to all that have stepped forward with ideas and volunteered to be leaders or co-leaders of […]
Help us spread the word! The Slow Food Youth Network (SFYN) USA is hosting the Future Food Leader Training on Saturday, September 12, 2020 to teach youth (32-years-old & younger) how to tackle local food systems issues and celebrate the many food cultures in their communities. We just opened our applications (due August 21) and would […]
Join Development Manager Patricia Hennessy and Director of Communications Brian Solem to learn about SFUSA's 2022 Membership Drive. Bring your questions and ideas for spreading the news about this way to fuel the network (and raise funds for chapters through the revenue share program!).
On Sunday November 13, from 11am-4pm, Hawai‘i Banana Source, Slow Food in Hawaii and Hawai'i SEED, with our partner Hi‘ipaka LLC, will host the free inaugural Mai‘a ‘Ho‘olaule‘a/Banana Festival in Waimea Valley, O‘ahu. While most of us are familiar with local apple bananas and the ubiquitous Central American Chiquita, few of us have ever eaten a Hawaiian banana or […]
GET YOUR TICKETS NOW TO CELEBRATE FANTASTIC FOOD LEADERS! We'll see you at 5 p.m. ET on Saturday, Dec. 10 for the 2022 Snailblazer Awards, a virtual gathering to honor ten food leaders across every link of the food chain! This community event will bring Slow Food advocates together to meet and connect with our newest Snailblazers! Learn more about […]
For Slow Food USA’s 2023 Winter Leader Summit, we want to bring leaders throughout our network together to workshop skills, troubleshoot, and inspire one another for the upcoming year. Over the course of one weekend, we’ll be featuring free workshops that will explore marketing and communications, fundraising, network development and EIJ, and food policy. We’re […]
It's Women's History Month! Join a panel of award-winning women business owners who are making history by taking food to a whole new level on Tuesday, March 21 at 3 p.m. ET. This Slow Food USA production will create space for stories and experiences from four winners of our Snail of Approval award — a […]
This year, Slow Food launched the Negroni Week Fund, which aims to provide funding for projects and programs that advance good, clean and fair values through food and beverage. Interested in applying for up to $15,000 in funding? Jump into this session to learn more! REGISTER HERE
The UJAMAA COOPERATIVE FARMING ALLIANCE (UCFA) will be holding its Spring 2023 convening of members, partners, and supporters in Kentucky during April 2023. UCFA is a BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) led program under the non-profit STEAM ONWARD. At UCFA we recognize the need for increased diversity in farming in general, and diversity in […]
We inspire bold action to break down social and political barriers to good food access. We spark dialogues around food as politics, food as climate action, food as pleasure, and food as a catalyst for change. We’ll be discussing these Spicy Conversations with Slow Food USA’s Dan Mueller, and hear about how our network can […]
Our monthly meet-ups will focus on our local food scene and how we can create vibrant commerce, partnerships, and synergy while keeping our Slow Food foundational principles of GOOD, CLEAN, and FAIR food in mind We'll start the season with a primer on farmers markets, local producers, and small food-focused businesses you will find at […]
Slow Food USA's six person staff will converge on the Windy City for our annual staff planning retreat, and we want to clink glasses with our members and activists in Chicago! We hope to see you for happy hour to get to know you and hear your thoughts on advancing good, clean and fair food […]
We know that a successful e-newsletter that's sent on a regular basis increases attendance at events, volunteer engagement and donations. Join Communications Director Brian Solem and chapter leaders across the network to kickstart your newsletter creation process, or take your existing newsletter from good to great. Topics covered include: ➡️ Why email works better at […]
After publishing the Slow Food USA Theory of Change, we are excited to share a draft of our four-year strategic intentions. Executive Director Anna Mulè will announce several new initiatives and opportunities for the network. We kindly request all chapters and communities to send a representative to this national conversation. It is more important than […]
Join us for a two-day retreat into the world of seeds! Our virtual gathering on March 1-2, 2024, will feature discussions, presentations and opportunities to connect with others about soil, human and planetary health.
By better understanding their challenges and how they use technology to consume digital content, we can make a few changes to our webpages, newsletters, social media, and emails that can make a big difference in how successful their experience is.
Join us for our April Convivium when we will take a deep dive into olive oil - a renowned agricultural product. Olive oil producers the world over are being affected by climate change. Warming temperatures make the annual harvest time uncertain and impact harvest yields, which in turn leads to price increases from established markets. […]
A brand-new international gathering that will be piloted this year and expanded next year, hosted by Slow Food International and Visit Sacramento.
Wednesday, July 17 – 2:00-3:30pm Eastern As symbols of independence and the reward of hard work, few things are more quintessentially American than the family farm. But small farms in the U.S. have been struggling to survive. And it isn’t just the farms that are at risk – it’s farmers. Farmers have experienced high suicide […]
Connect with Slow Food leaders and members to celebrate our successes and look ahead to some exciting initiatives and events to round out 2024. Register here
The 20th anniversary of this landmark semi-annual event will take place at Turin's Parco Dora in September.
Gather with fellow Slow Food leaders, volunteers and interested folks on this monthly call! The February edition of the call will center on all things Terra Madre. From delegate applications to partnering for a North American booth in Turin, we're excited to connect with you for the 20th Anniversary of Terra Madre Salone del Gusto. […]