The commercial/consumption aspects of Valentine’s Day are not so slow, and yet, and yet…the “holiday” manages to hold its allure. Expressing love, eating chocolate, sharing a meal with loved one(s)–who could have a problem with that? And so, here goes our V-day round-up:
The New York Times ran an interesting article yesterday about the strain that different dietary proclivities can have on a couple. Even better? The lengthy comment debate unfolding on Serious Eats. If food is an aphrodisiac and my food makes you want to puke, what then?
Also fun to check out: the lineup on Evan Kleiman’s radio show last Saturday, featuring The Sex Life of Food; Oysters as Aphodisiacs and a Chocolate Tasting. Click here to get to the show and have a listen. The FDA claims that aphrodisiacs are “folklore, ” btw. But if the show leaves you in the mood for oysters and you don’t believe the FDA, check out the Delaware Bay oyster (among others) on our Ark of Taste.
For some advice on “romantic cocktailing,” check out the Wall Street Journal.
For a review of eco-chocolates, go to Grist.
And for those of you not feeling the love today, please consider some hearty winter BBQ and final parting words of wisdom that arrived to one of our staffers via email today:
Nothing says “I don’t need a man” like pork belly and vinegary sauce.