The soil beneath us is a complex ecosystem filled with living organisms and amazing interactions. In this webinar, you will learn the difference between soil and dirt and a bit about the fascinating and important mechanisms that supply nutrients to your plants. You’ll be convinced that building your soil is the most important first step in planting and know what to look for when adding amendments to your garden soil.
Alison is an educator, gardener, cook, herbalist, seed saver, and leader of Slow Food Seacoast for the past 14 years. She has a B.S. in Soil Science, an M.S. in Natural Resource, and a Teaching Certification in Middle School Science. Alison loves anything to do with plants, especially getting outside in the garden with kids. She is an Oregon native but has lived most of her adult life in New Hampshire where the growing season is just a bit too short for her liking!
Some soil-tending and gardening resources that Alison loves:
- Mother Earth News — a magazine but also blog and podcast with all kids of back-to-the-land tips.
- Square Foot Gardening — A great resource for growing a lot in small spaces.
- Storey Publishing — publisher of many how-to books on different gardening subjects including Let It Rot, a good book on composting. They also have an informative blog.
- Four Season Farm — Elliot Coleman’s books on growing year-round in cold climates.
- Rodales Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening
- Rodale’s Basic Organic Gardening: A Beginner’s Guide to Starting a Healthy Garden