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Child Nutrition Reauthorization: Letter from Slow Food USA

About every five years, Congress, via a Child Nutrition Reauthorization (CNR), reauthorizes essential federal nutrition programs that help provide healthy food and nutrition to more than 35,000,000 children and infants each year. Slow Food USA calls upon Congress and the Biden/Harris Administration to ensure that the next Child Nutrition Reauthorization addresses the many facets of child nutrition security. Read our Executive Director’s letter to Congress.

Jimmy Nardello Pepper

Jimmy Nardello Peppers, or Jimmy Nardello’s Sweet Italian Frying Pepper, are perfect for just that: frying up in a pan. It is considered one of the very best frying peppers as its fruity raw flavor becomes perfectly creamy and soft when fried.

Aunt Molly’s Ground Cherry

Ground cherries are the sweeter, smaller and golden cousin to a tomatillo. Their small fruits are like tiny packages wrapped in a papery husk. When ripe they become a deep golden-yellow in color and their flavor is pineapple-meets-vanilla…